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Governor Signs Order Directing State Agencies to Institute Skills-Based Hiring
11:49AM / Sunday, February 04, 2024
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NEWTON — In her address to the Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM), Governor Healey announced that she signed an executive order instituting skills-based hiring practices for the state's workforce. 
Through this Executive Order, for the vast majority of job postings, the administration will focus primarily on applicants' skills, knowledge, and abilities rather than educational credentials. Job postings will only be allowed to include degree conditions when absolutely necessary to the performance of the job. Additionally, for the first time, hiring managers will receive training and tools to implement this new hiring strategy effectively.   
"As the state's largest employer, we rely on a strong, diverse workforce to deliver crucial services and programs for Massachusetts residents, businesses and communities every day. But too many job applicants are being held back by unnecessary degree requirements," said Governor Healey. "This Executive Order directs our administration to focus on applicants' skills and experiences, rather than college credentials. It will expand our applicant pool and help us build a more inclusive and skilled workforce than ever before. Our administration is leading by example, and we encourage the business community to join us by adopting similar skills-based hiring practices." 
The Executive Order directs all executive departments and agencies to utilize skills-based employment practices to attract, recruit, hire, retain, and develop workers. The Executive Order also requires the completion of a skills-based hiring training course for all agency managers and support teams and ensure job postings and interview questions promote a candidate's set of skills, knowledge, and abilities. Additionally, as part of the Administration's "Lead by Example" Employer Talent Initiative, the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development will collaborate with private, non-profit, and government employers to develop and publish best practices resources for the broader business community to also adopt skills-based hiring strategies. 
"Massachusetts has an incredible opportunity to leverage its platform as a major employer, lead by example, and encourage more employers to do the same," said?Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development Lauren Jones.?"As employers, including the Commonwealth, embrace a skills-based hiring practice, we will collectively open more opportunities to hire, retain, and develop the diverse, skilled talent employers need to grow and thrive in regions across the state." 
The Executive Order also calls for new job postings not to specify a minimum level of education as an entrance requirement unless it is determined that a particular level of education is necessary to perform the job.?While only 7 percent of current positions require an education requirement, the state's Human Resources Division (HRD) will routinely review positions to determine if education requirements are necessary to perform the job.  
As part of its guidance to departments and agencies, HRD will develop?tools for skills-based recruiting such as identifying and reducing bias, writing a job description, and creating a recruitment plan. HRD will also provide best practices when screening and interviewing candidates.?As part of a skills-based hiring strategy, the Healey-Driscoll Administration aims to reduce unconscious bias in the workplace by focusing on eliminating biases during the hiring process.? 
Residents interested in a career in state government, including roles in health, human services, transportation, IT, finance, housing, economic and workforce development, veterans' services, energy, climate, environmental affairs, public safety, and education, can visit the MassCareers website for job opportunities. 
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