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Dalton Historical Gets Clarification on Historic District Phase
By Sabrina Damms, iBerkshires Staff
03:28PM / Saturday, August 10, 2024
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DALTON, Mass. — The Historical Commission received clarification on what is needed for the first phase of establishing the proposed second historic district. 
Commissioners previously believed they were responsible for taking pictures of every building within the district that meets historical status and writing on the back of each photo the building's historical significance, the year it was built, and the type of architecture.
After hearing this, a representative from the state Historical Commission clarified that the town's commission only has to set the boundaries of the proposed district and include some of the historical structures within it. 
Some commissioners will meet on Thursday mornings to outline the district map and continue gathering the information needed to send to the state.  
Once that is complete, they can send it to the state and have them review their proposal. If approved, they can continue with the next phase, during which they can hire a preservation specialist. 
At the moment, the proposed district starts at Park Avenue, where Main Street Cemetery is, and goes down to Depot Street. It then goes up High and North Streets.
Commission co-Chair Deborah Kovacs said Main Street Cemetery, located at the corner of Main and Park Avenue, is already on the National Registry, which may help during the approval process.
The commissioners had intended to hire a preservation specialist using a $5,000 state cultural grant, but the state may not approve its proposal by the grant deadline. 
If they are unable to spend the funds by the deadline the funds will have to be returned to the cultural council. 
In other news: 
• On Saturday, Aug. 3, the Fitch-Hoose House had 16 visitors. It was a big hiker day, and the museum has a potable water fountain for hikers to use, Kovacs said. 
That Saturday, Commissioner Nancy Kane moved the museum's open sign closer to the road to improve visibility and encouraged visitors to take a respite from their travels for a glimpse into a piece of Dalton's history. 
• The Historical Commission has received its new brochures printed by Adams Specialty. During its June meeting, the commission voted to appropriate $484 from the town account for 500 Fitch-Hoose House brochures. 
Commissioners noted that the more they promote the Fitch-Hoose House, the more donations they may receive from visitors because of the increased traffic. 
They hope to distribute the brochures at various locations, including the Du Bois Freedom Center, the Red Lion Inn, Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art and other locations. 
•  Commissioners said Dalton Day was a success for the Historical Commission. They were able to sell two copies of the reissued "Down Memory Lane" and gave out order forms to individuals interested but who didn't have cash on hand. More information on "Down Memory Lane" here
Keychains were also very popular during the event and are running low. The commission will buy more to sell during the election. The Fitch-Hoose House also had four visitors during the event. Commissioners agreed the museum should open again next Dalton Day. 
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